Bit Manipulation in Competitive Programming | Complete Guide

Bit Manipulation in Competitive Programming | Complete Guide
Bit Manipulation in Competitive Programming | Complete Guide 

Bit Manipulation 

All data in computer programs is internally stored as bits, i.e., as numbers 0 and 1. This chapter discusses the bit representation of integers, and shows examples of how to use bit operations. It turns out that there are many uses for bit manipulation in algorithm programming.


Bit Represention

Read All about Bit Representation

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Bit Operations

Get to know about various Operations performed on Bits and Learn them !

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Bit Shifts

Read all about Bit Shifts and their Applications !

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Bit Masks

Read all about Bit Masks and Their Implementation !

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Bit Optimizations

Get to know about Bit Optimization !

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Representing Sets

Get to know about various Set Implementation Methods and Set Operations performed !

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We hope these articles will give you a clear idea about Bit Manipulation and their Use in Competitive Programming Journey.

Competitive Programmers Handbook by Antani Lakenson
Coding Ninjas

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